Meet Your New Competitive Edge

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The safest & fastest way to estimate Site Classification, Footings and Contours for your site

Thanks to robust algorithms, more than 130,000 sites classified plus engineers’ approval, you can have the confidence of our report's accuracy to estimate your construction costs safely.


Who Are You?

Home Builders


PredictSite benefits for the Home Builder:

home builder - Predictsite
Icon Fast Quote

Quote to your clients fast

Intrax clients can receive a preliminary site classification within just 2 business days; helping to run estimates and secure contracts rapidly.

Icon Slab Cost

Predict slab costs

Home Builders can optimise their estimation and deliver competitive quotes to win more business.

Icon Confidence

Quote with confidence

Home Builders can estimate their construction costs with total confidence.

Icon Estimate Anywhere

Estimate anywhere

Our database and geotechnical engineers can provide you with site classification estimates from across East and South Australia.

Why Home Builders use PredictSite:

Icon Realtime Data

Estimate using real data

Estimating site conditions based on “hunch” or past empirical experience or memory results in conservative preliminary cost estimations.

Icon Geotech Costs

Eliminate Geotech Costs

Getting a Geotechnical soil investigation to confirm the cost for the quote is expensive for the client, and some reject the idea as they feel they are locking themselves in with the home builder. So owners prefer to ask around before committing a deposit and the chances of losing the sale increases.

Icon Faster Than Competitors

Quote faster than competitors

The time to gather all the information needed to quote to a client (homeowner) could be up to 10 days if a Geotechnical soil investigation is requested.

PredictSite PRO

Avoid the guesswork and rely on expert advice from an automated report, checked and signed by an engineer. With clear and comprehensive information to make informed decisions, PredictSite PRO is a tool that will revolutionise the market.

Learn how Home Builders are predicting slab costs and accelerate their sales with PredictSite

Predict Slab costs

Home Builders can predict their estimation and deliver competitive quotes to win more business.

PredictSite Case Study Homes

Make faster, informed and confident decisions with the support that only the best Residential Engineering Firm in Australia can provide you. Reduce your risk and make informed decisions, get the best estimation with PredictSite from Intrax

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within 2 business days.
Intrax PredictSite service enables you to estimate within just 2 business days the reactivity of a site, its geology, wind rating, topsoil, and fill depth. All within one effective report, approved by an expert geotechnical engineer.

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Up to 95% accuracy.
Intrax has performed more than 130,000 site classifications around Eastern Australia. Thanks to robust algorithms plus an engineer’s approval, you can have the confidence of its accuracy to estimate your construction costs safely.
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We are Australia’s best residential geotechnical company. Our database and geotechnical engineers can provide you with site classification estimates across East and South Australia. Our geological studies will offer you the best data to prepare your estimates.

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Site Address or GPS.
You can request one PredictSite PRO by merely providing us with the address site or geolocation, and we do the rest. Within just 2 business days; you’ll have a reliable site classification estimation of your site address.

PredictSite Pro
Application Site Classification Estimation
Anticipated Underlaying Site Classification Estimation
Problem Site
Problem Reasons
Wind Ratings
Aerial Image
Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment
Estimated Topsoil/Fill Depth

PredictSite Coverage


Map coverage

How To Order

PredictSite PRO

Icon Fill Form

Complete the Order Form

Icon Pay


Icon 24h Report

Your report will be sent within 2 business days

The Science
behind PredictSite

Intrax clients can receive a preliminary site classification within 2 business days; helping to run estimates and secure contracts rapidly.

Icon Algorithms

Robust algorithms that automate the calculations and process data.


130,000 sites investigated

Ready to Experience the
PredictSite difference?

Intrax clients can receive a preliminary site classification within just 2 business days; helping to run estimates and secure contracts rapidly.